View Full Version : Puddy update

03-15-2006, 12:33 PM
Hi Friends,
This morning, around 5:00, (the one morning I get to sleep in), I heard Puddy crying. It was that same "uh oh!" sound that she made when she got so sick. And I could hear her little paws on the hardwood floors; she was running back and forth, seemingly frantic. I called out "Puddy, come here. What's wrong?" and she usually comes to me when I do that. I did it again. No response. So I got out of bed to go find her. There she was, catnip mouse between her paws, and just giving it her all. When I turned on the light, she actually squinted and looked up at me as if to say "Hey, you're ruining my fun!" Whew! I thought I was in for another episode and, thankfully, I was wrong. She's doing great! (And so is Pidge, btw. She's scheduled for a teeth cleaning in a few weeks.)

Just thought I'd post some good news. Seems like the only time I have to post is when something goes wrong w/one of my fur posse. :)


03-15-2006, 12:52 PM
LOLOL Oh Mary, that sure does conjure up some images. :D :D So glad to hear that she and Pidge are doing fine.


03-15-2006, 02:27 PM
It's a very good idea to post good news :)

Glad to hear the evil mousie got what it deserved :D

smokey the elder
03-15-2006, 03:03 PM
I can just picture Puddy looking at you as if to say, "WHAT?!" :D