View Full Version : Can anyone Help?????

04-22-2002, 01:43 PM
I have a 10 week old pekingese, Benny. I wanted him to have a friend (puppy). I've always loved the Maltese breed. So I did tons of research on them to see if this breed would be compatable with Benny. I decided this was an excellent choice. So I found a responsible breeder and put a deposit on him. When he was finally old enough for me to take him home, (Saturday, 4-20-02) I was so excited.
It has only been 3 days!!!! 3 days and he (Cody) is driving me up a wall!!!!!! His (cody the maltese) temperment is nothing like the research I did said. Although I do realize he is a puppy, and he will do bad things, he does the following:
1. He will NOT go potty outside!! I bring him out and right when I bring him in he goes in the house.
2. He is growling, barking, and biting Benny! I was read that Maltese were a passive breed and he is extremely dominant!
3. He has soooo many toys, but will not chew on anying but shoes and furniture.
4. And to make matters worse, he (cody) was weemed on Eukanuba, and Benny eats Puppy Chow. They both want the other ones food, so feeding them is anything but fun.

I do love this little guy and know that he will get better, I just need some suggestions on what to do!!!! PLEASE HELP! I will post pictures of this little rascal soon! Thanks!

04-22-2002, 03:48 PM
Okay, first, congratulations on the new puppy, and on having done research on the breed before you got him.

Now, forget everything you learned about the breed. For better or for worse, every puppy is an individual, and while they may be exceptions rather than the rule, there ARE dominant Maltese, just as there are passive Dobermans, etc.

YOU are the big dog! Take him out after he eats, and stay outside until he "does his business" then praise like crazy!

HIDE all the shoes, take away anything he might chew on other than toys.

I'll let others offer more advice, but there's a start!

04-22-2002, 08:33 PM
I wouldn't worry too much yet about the puppy play (biting and growling) Make sure you supervise them together and step in if things get too rough, but let them establish their own pack order. With two pups that young it may take awhile. Once they start to work it out, treat them the way they have estblished. Which ever dog is dominate, feed first, pet first etc.

Does Cody bite or growl at people?

04-22-2002, 09:05 PM
Let me tell you something, for the longest time Roxey would do the same thing about going potty. Not all dogs are easy to potty train! Like Karen said, WAIT, WAIT and then WAIT some more, it WILL pay off!
And the chewing I think most EVERY dog is like that, Roxey sure was, and still sometimes is and she is almost 11 mos. old!
Just be patient and you'll win the battle! Have faith!

04-22-2002, 11:38 PM
Does Cody bite or growl at people?

Oh no, he just does it when hes rough housing on Benny. I appreciate the advice. I'm sure things will get better with time! :0)

04-23-2002, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by senoritaamy2001
Does Cody bite or growl at people?

Oh no, he just does it when hes rough housing on Benny. I appreciate the advice. I'm sure things will get better with time! :0)

I really wouldn't worry too much then. Cincy only growls and bites at Sadie and it is done in play and in working out who is sominate. They would never hurt each other! Good luck!

04-24-2002, 01:02 PM
I had a similar situation. I go to a university and brought my dog, a maltese named Tango. My roommate bought of puppy, a shihzu, the shihzu insisted on using the restroom in the house, chewing our carpet, furniture, shoes. It was terrible. Not to be the voice of doom, but the dog continued this bad behavior until she moved. It realy stressed my maltese out, he even began losing his hair. My advice is to be patient and give your maltese pleanty of love to reassure him. We would have eventually gotten the shihzu situated, but he was gone before then. Good luck!