View Full Version : chicken questions!

03-13-2006, 01:40 PM
i LOVE chickens! i have chicken stuff all over my room. my parents just told me a could get a chicken or two. i'm not 100% sure on how to house them, feed them, etc.

what do i feed chicks/chickens?
where do i house them?
what is the best kind of chicken to keep as a pet?

i've got an area in the back yard i'm going to fence off for them. i just gotta keep the cats out!

03-13-2006, 08:00 PM
Really? Chickens?? Lol sorry Ive never herd of someone really liking chickens that much. I had 3 pet chickens...well not mine but at the barn I liked them alot. One was Retardo cause his beak was retarted, Hugs always but her head the rest on your shoulder, and moon was the roosterThey were all so freindly
They were also just regular brown chickens.
But my mom said we had 2 chickens when I was little and they were really vicious and stuff and she couldnt barley feed them they were so bad, and she raised them from chicks.

03-14-2006, 01:01 PM
Chicken's really aren't the best pets around dogs. It often causes a lot of problems with prey drive unless dogs have been around them all their lives and trained to stay away. You would do better to use Google to find out all the info, but with the dogs I probably wouldn't have them unless you knew for sure they wouldn't try to get at them.

03-14-2006, 02:07 PM
Chickens would not be safe around the dogs or cats unless they were kept completely safe from them and other predators - raccoons, hawks, etc.

There are people who have pet chickens, we have even had some be Pet of the Day! See here (http://petoftheday.com/search/search.cgi?q=&sk=Chickens&mr=25&pr=ON) . There's not any particular kind of chicken that makes a better pet than any other, but while they are adorable as chicks, they are not simple to care for, and go through some awkward and gawky stages. They are not like a dog or cat in their behavior. I suggest a LOT of research, go forth and Google!

03-14-2006, 03:07 PM
Not my first choice for an inside pet, but if you like them so much why not?

Just make sure you do A LOT of research and think if you can really give some chickens everything that they need before you get them.

03-14-2006, 08:04 PM
If you get a fence for around them, double layer it with about 6 inches between the fences. Like one round fence and then another bigger fence around it. Gruesome stuff happens if raccoons are able to stick their hands through or if chickens stick their heads out. I assume your area is zoned for livestock?

03-14-2006, 08:07 PM
i'm in the middle of a massive google search! i've learned sooo much in just a few hours! :D

no worries! i wouldn't get a chicken if it was in danger of being killed.

03-14-2006, 08:09 PM
I assume your area is zoned for livestock?
what do ya mean? if it means are we able to have livestock here. yes, we can. i already hecked with the town and our neighbors use to have goats and some people up the road have chickens.

03-14-2006, 08:13 PM
You'll have to let us know what you find out about chickens! They seem like they would be an interesting pet. The cutest chickens I've seen were ones that looked all furry and fuzzy! (I googled for them, and this (http://homepage.mac.com/douglasm/Duluth/Duluth-Images/106.jpg) is the picture it came up with)

Sorry I can't be of any help. Good luck with the google searches!

03-14-2006, 08:17 PM
Google searches give you so much info, don't they? :D
Before we got Norri I learned as much as I could from many sites I found through google.
And you're not the only one completely obsessed with chickens. One of my friends has been begging her mother for some chickens for months now!
Good luck with your chickens if you end up getting some! My grandmum used to own some... they were vicious. I've been around good-tempered chickens, too, though! :)

03-14-2006, 08:17 PM
You'll have to let us know what you find out about chickens! They seem like they would be an interesting pet. The cutest chickens I've seen were ones that looked all furry and fuzzy! (I googled for them, and this (http://homepage.mac.com/douglasm/Duluth/Duluth-Images/106.jpg) is the picture it came up with)

Sorry I can't be of any help. Good luck with the google searches!

i think those are silkie chickens. they are one of my favorite kinds of chickens! look at this hen!

03-15-2006, 09:57 PM
My dad breeds and raises chickens and well as ducks, pheasants and peacocks! You can feed chicks Chick Starter which you can get at your local feed store. When they are older you can slowly get them off the chick starter and onto corn. Lots of times you can get granite and put a bit in there food. The granite helps digestion. If you don't let them outside where they can eat rocks then you should feed them some granite mixed in with their corn. Sometimes chickens will get eye infections which is highly contagious and hard to get rid of. If you see one with crusted eyes, keep them by themselves. Then you can buy anti-biotic feed (or drops to put in their water) and mix it in with their food.

It's really best to keep chickens outside. Our chickens stay in our barn and during the day we let them out and they stay on our property- don't worry, they won't wander off! Not as long as you feed them. You can always build a chicken coop where it has an inside part and an outside if you don't feel safe with them loose.

I'm sorry I kinda typed more then I thought I would. I love to learn this stuff from my dad. If you have any questions at all, please PM me!

I see you got silkie chicks. There are many breeds so if you plan to ever get anymore, I can suggest some breeds for you.

03-15-2006, 10:03 PM
Some silly looking breeds are...

Crested Polish Chickens (AKA Top Hat)

And the Bantam Cochin Frizzles!

I've got 25 Cochin chicks and 25 Frizzle ones.

03-15-2006, 10:26 PM
i think those are silkie chickens. they are one of my favorite kinds of chickens! look at this hen!
OMG thats so cute!! Aww he looks so soft!

03-16-2006, 07:52 AM
Silkie chickens only look that poofy if they are groomed of course. Otherwise if you don't groom them they aren't as poofy but just as beautiful!

03-16-2006, 05:59 PM
Ok my dad read my above post and I am going to add a few things. Right now what food are you feeding them? I found out that it's really good to give them MEDICATED chick starter. And when they are around 6 weeks old then switch them to corn or chick grower. And granite that you feed them is also called grit.

Also, when humitidy is really high, that's when they get eye infections. Otherwise they should be fine!

03-16-2006, 06:23 PM
i think those are silkie chickens. they are one of my favorite kinds of chickens! look at this hen!
that the only kind of bird my mom likes :rolleyes: she still says she dosn't ike ducks, but I know she loves mine ;) good luck!!

03-16-2006, 07:11 PM
ya know what's funny? i ended up getting this kind of chicken!LOL :D

03-16-2006, 07:34 PM
Can't wait for pics. What colours did you get? I wouldn't mind having a few myself. I like brahmas. The Polish chickens are bad tempered. We had to run from them when my uncle had them, they came around the corner of the barn and everybody took off until he could round them up. Centralpets.com has lots of chicken pages.

Nevermind, I see the new post.