View Full Version : Please vote!

04-22-2002, 01:10 AM
Please vote on these drawings. Some of them are scanned, and some are digital pictures, so the quality is not good. Please click the pic again to view it full size. Thanks!

Click to look at this picture
Then click here to vote for the best:
Click here to vote for the worst:

p.s. if you would like the know the reason for this---I need to figure out which are the best so I can eliminate the others and start on new drawings (soon!). This is for school....

04-22-2002, 01:33 AM
ok, I voted on the pictures.

They are all better than I could have ever done, so picking the best or worst picture was just personal opinion.

... for what kind of school?

04-22-2002, 03:23 AM
Ok, I voted but you ask the impossible because they are ALL EXCELLENT!!!!:D :D

04-22-2002, 06:38 AM
Originally posted by LoudLou
Ok, I voted but you ask the impossible because they are ALL EXCELLENT!!!!:D :D
I agree Katie! They are ALL good pics! I think #3 is pretty cool too!

04-22-2002, 08:43 AM
I voted for 14 as the best, but it was so difficult because they are all awesome. The second survey, I debated because like I said before, they are all beautiful, but I chose on which one I would be least likely to choose for myself, but even that one I like!!

04-22-2002, 10:09 AM
They are all beautiful, hard to pick one, but I picked number 16.

04-22-2002, 10:31 AM
I couldn't get the thumbnails to enlarge. Some were very difficult to see. Sorry.

04-22-2002, 04:32 PM
Thanks for voting everyone! The more detailed explanation of this is that I have to submit an AP portfolio...part is breadth, part is concentration. My concentration is "wolves." I only need 12 pics, but I have several (even more than is pictured) and I can't decide which to get rid of and start new ones...Anyway, you can find bigger versions of most of the pics at this link http://www.geocities.com/wolf_Q Then click art examples, then wildlife. The ones that are not there are 1, 6, 10, 11, 12 I *think.* If you want to see a bigger version of the pic I showed you (if clicking it to make it larger would not work) email me.