View Full Version : Mastiffs

03-09-2006, 05:39 PM
what can ya'll tell me about the Mastiff? i've always thought they were beautiful dogs. i've heard they are very prone to HD and ED. do a lot of Mastiffs get HD and ED?

if anyone has Mastiffs(Bon!) please post pics! :D

03-09-2006, 08:29 PM
Sorry, don't really know much about a Mastiff but they were sure cool in the Swiss Family Robinson!!! :D

03-09-2006, 09:29 PM
There are a couple of sites I know of that are very informative on Mastiffs(what do you mean by ED? Are you talking Elbow Dysplasia? Eye Disease?).
MCOA (Mastiff Club of America) (http://mastiff.org/exhibit-hall/health/)
MASTIFFWEB.COM (http://www.mastiffweb.com/cgi/webdiskusjon/index.pl)
Mastiffonline.com (http://www.mastiffonline.com/modules.php?name=Forums)

I can't tell you about all mastiffs, but I can tell you about Bon:D

Besides being my constant shadow or my "velcro dog" he's my best buddy, my constant companion. He's ALWAYS there to give me a laugh, oh man does he ever make me laugh...just look at the video I posted earlier today!

He's messy; he blows bubbles from those long hanging jowels of his whenever he's going to get a treat, he can't drink water without getting it every where (the main reason his water dish is outside!). While he eats he has to take trips around the house as he chews, putting his mouth on things like the bed, the toilet, your chair and even the kitchen table and counters! And then before you can get to him to wipe his face off (which happens numerous times throughout the day) he'll shake and all the slingers will fly everywhere! On the wall, the tv & sometimes even on me!

When he's outside and it has rained (like it's been doing here for the last 2 days) he walks through the mud and he's so heavy that the mud squishes between his toes and then of course he must come up to the porch and scratch the door with that big over grown paw of his. He just wants to let me know he's ready to come in;)

He plays wonderfully with his sisters even little Huney who never wants to play. I've seen them quietly mouth each other and a couple of times while out in the yard she's ran after him nipping at his heels:D

In all honesty I couldn't ask for a better dog. He loves me and loves to be loved by me. He likes to cuddle and just be near me.

Well I'm sure I didn't tell you anything you wanted to know about mastiffs now did I?!!

So after all that blabbering, here's some pictures! Some showing how manly he can be, others showing what a big goofball he is! ENJOY!

This is one of the first pictures I remember sharing with PT...hard to believe he was ever that small!
07/04 One year old
03/06 And one from today, he's sooo handsome!

I hope I've given you some idea about what owning a mastiff is like!

03-10-2006, 12:21 PM
Everything Anna said.

03-11-2006, 04:27 PM
thanks Anna! that is a lot of great info! Bon is such a cutie! :D