View Full Version : Problem Puss, Taranis - need suggestions

03-09-2006, 02:30 PM
Taranis is the cat I most sigh over because she has multiple small problems and gives many false signals. I've also ignored her for far too long.

I need suggestions on diet, "exercise", and just plain understanding her.

I adopted her from the Humane Society three years ago, when she was 2 years old, as a companion for Macduff, a 10 year old adult feral, very gentle and friendly, who lives in the lower part of my house. It was her second stint at the shelter and mine is her fourth (and forever) home, so she went through a lot of changes in her first 2 years. The shelter treated her for a UTI and I put her on Hills CD at home. She was fine with Macduff, though not friendly, but loathed LOS, the perpetual motion pest. Taranis peed in the sink, on drapes, etc. for a while but then stopped (she didn't have another UTI, it was behavior). She asked for attention but hissed and snapped when I stroked, scratched or massaged her - a behavior that continues. She likes to lie next to me and lean on me, sometimes.

I was very busy with a full time job, volunteer work, and caring for several long-time and extremely ill cats upstairs (the main area of the house) for nearly 3 years. I spent far too little time downstairs and didn't build up a relationship with Taranis. She ate well and was coping but not happy.

Now that all my really sick cats have died, and given Taranis' reaction of peeing everywhere and constant hissing as Tom joined the downstairs cats, I tried bringing her upstairs. She peed all over the place. She had a bladder full of crystals and was on Hills SD for 6 weeks plus antiobiotics. I tried bringing her upstairs again and she peed on the carpet, etc. again. She is now on Clomicalm and there were no incidents when I brought her upstairs for long periods recently.

I now plan to isolate her in my dressing room upstairs during the day and let her out with us at night. These are the issues/questions:

She is obese. She has never been an active cat, doesn't play with the others or with toys and was overweight when I adopted her. Now she must lose weight. However, she is on IVD Urinary SO to prevent crystals, and that isn't a food that will help weight loss. I've mixed it with WD to decrease calories but it hasn't helped much. I visited the Walthams site, since they now own IVD and Royal Canin, but it didn't help. Has anyone found a diet that addresses both problems?

Does stress increase the likelihood of a cat developing crystals? My hope is that by reducing her stress levels, I'm reducing the risk of her getting crystals which means I can address her obesity better.

How do you exercise a cat that doesn't like moving? I chase her, very gently, round and round the living room and down the hall. She used to play with her feather toy a little but now she's on Clomicalm, she's lost interest in it. She needs to stay on the Clomicalm for a while so that she can adjust to being upstairs without peeing on everything. If she pees on things, it will set off Ted again and then I'll be living in a cat toilet all over again.

In desperation, to exercise and insert some joie de vivre into her, I've allowed her outside in the garden. She simply walks round from the back door to the front and waits to come inside again.

What does she mean when she runs up to me for attention and the moment I give it hisses at me and snaps or swats? She does it before I've even touched her very often. I know cats are enigmatic and contrary but Taranis seems to take this to extremes.

I really, really like this cat and will appreciate any input.

03-09-2006, 02:35 PM
Would she be able to get accustomed to being walked on a leash? It's worth a shot - that's one way of enforcing exercise ...

Some cats will, and some just won't (becomes lump of cat-shaped jello, refuses to move), I guess it's something you'd have to try a few times.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-09-2006, 04:43 PM
Have no suggestions unfortunately but total admiration for your devotion to this puss

Laura's Babies
03-09-2006, 05:32 PM
Have you tried catnip to lighten her mood? I too, really admire your devotion and ongoing efforts with her when most would have given up. If she is real obese, she may be to heavy to get into some really active play so I would start out with some that would just get her to swat with her paws while laying down to get her stemina built up slowly and get her use to playing. From the sound of how things went in her life, she probably has forgotten how to have fun, replaced fun with anger. Her life sounds so sad for a kitty. Keep at it, don't give up on her.

03-09-2006, 05:36 PM
Maybe Cat Nip would help her become more active.
But I would make sure that its fresh ,say from a Farmers Market as the Nip in the Big Box Stores can be stale.