View Full Version : sorry not dog-related but your help is needed!

03-06-2006, 10:30 AM
;) Hi guys!
I'm going to be in a 30hour famine (where you don't eat for 30 hours). I'm doing this to see what it is like to be hungry, like to children of world hunger. I am doing this with my church. We will do service things, like make breakfast for homeless shelters. Heres the thing....i need to raise money. I need to hopfully raise around $1,000 dollars! I need your help.... would any of you (or your parents) please dontate to me? Here is some info:
$1 is enough to feed 1 child for 1 day
$7 is enough money to feed 1 child for a WHOLE WEEK!
$30 is enough to feed a child for a WHOLE MONTh!
$360 is enough to feed a child for a year :eek:

Imagine helping a child live longer, be stronger..they need help.
You can help by donating. All the money goes to the world vision group, to feed the children in need.
Please....i need your help.
If you are willing to help, reply to this and give me your name and e-mail and amount you wish to give.
Then i will e-mail you and give you my address to send the money.

Thanks! :D

Helping the hunger,
amanda white ;)

P.s sorry again about this not being dog-related :(

03-06-2006, 10:46 AM
Just to let you know, I don't think many people are going to donate to you directly. If you give them your churches information, address, etc. they will probably me more willing to donate.

It isn't anything personal but you cannot really trust anyone on the net, so when we ask for these type of donations we usually include the organization's information instead of our own.

03-06-2006, 10:52 AM
true....um i'll have to get there address....but this is a thing where the teens are suposed to get the people. Are you willing to donate.? You also get a receipt that tells how much u donate. Do you want to donate? I promice 100% of the donations go to the WORLD VISION HUNGER RELIF FUND!

PLEASE DONATE. even $1 will help

03-06-2006, 07:31 PM
I thought this could be bumped up. Even if people don't want to send the money to you or your church, its a good idea to remind people of world hunger and if anybody wants to donate they could donate to another fund for hunger relief. Good for you for doing this.