View Full Version : hizzzzz, growl, fight, Yikes!

04-20-2002, 12:09 PM
We spent a few days housesitting my daughter's place. She has two cats, one is a 12 yr. old female, and one is a almost a year. Both are spayed. The older cat generally spends her waking time upstairs and the younger downstairs. Food dishes and litter for both are kept downstairs. She does have two different feeding areas but one is in the laundry room where she also keeps the litter box. Water and the rest of the food are in the kitchen area.

We tried to sleep in the family room downstairs where off and on we heard the noise of hizzzing, growling, and interrupted more than one fight or potential fight. She says this has gone on since they got the younger cat about nine months ago.

I have suggested moving the food and water. Any suggestions on possible solutions to this very annoying problem? Know the feelin...? Puzzled....:( :rolleyes: thanks.

04-20-2002, 04:37 PM
I am not an expert on this problem, I'd say that after this long and your furkids still do not get along with each other, that perhaps it would be best to keep them separated at night. Maybe, placing one in a separate room.:)


04-20-2002, 05:50 PM
:) Thanks, Wayne. Will suggest separate rooms as a possbility to my daughter(39 and wife, mother) whose cats are the furkids in question. :)

04-20-2002, 05:58 PM
Hi Treybabe, Jo!
I think 2 females together will fight/argue more..........(not that it means you can change that now, obviously)
:rolleyes: I have just always heard that, and my vet told me the same thing.

I think that when the younger one is a little older and more mellow, it will help.
I have 2 males, one is 8 yrs., and the other is just over a year. I have noticed that most of the time when they 'argue/fight' it is because the youngen' wants to play, play, play, and won't stop until he gets hissed at &/or swatted. :rolleyes:
He has seemed to mellow (a bit) in the last couple months, but still has a way to go!

In the mean time, maybe keeping them separated at night, and providing each ot them with their own litter-box and food dish might help.

04-21-2002, 10:46 AM
Yorkster, Yes, I think it is probably cause they are females although my two (the kitties in question are my daughter's in her house) females don't fight. I do keep separate feeding areas. It's the upstairs-downstairs thing too at M.K.'s house. One of my M.K.'s cats stays upstairs, the younger female stays downstairs especially when the family is gone. They feed both down-stairs. I will talk to M.K. again now that I am fortified from the suggestions on this forum. Yes!

Just got awakened to a huge howl from Trey(our 12 year old). A neighbor's cat was standing on the porch off our bedroom and Trey and the cat had a stare down session then Trey broke into such a mornful noise I wouldn't have recognized her. Oh, well, it was time to arise. My living, breathing-- alarm clock. :eek:

Jo ;)