View Full Version : Leonardo's MOST Annoying Habit!

04-19-2002, 07:49 PM
Leonardo is built like a miniature tank! He weights 13 pounds and is heavy. He has long hair that tends to stick out in all directions, especially when I try to get around him. He loves to get in front of me and mosey along. He has built in radar too; if I move left to pass him, he moves left; if I move right, so does he. He can fill a whole doorway just by himself. He loves to play this game when I am in a hurry. I had the flu earlier this fall. I HAD to get to the bathroom. You guessed it. Mr. Tank would not get out of the way. I finally scooted him out of the way with my foot. NO KICK! Just a nudge. You should have heard him! I'm sure the neighbors two houses down heard his protest. Thankfully, I made to to the bathroom just in time. Do your kids ever drive you nuts? What are their MOST annoying habits?

4 feline house
04-19-2002, 10:02 PM
When Big stands on me in the middle of the night. STANDS on me. All TWENTYONE POUNDS OF HIM. On my arthritic hip, no less!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-19-2002, 10:07 PM

The only thing that Tinky does that is CRAZY is every time I clean out the litter box she jumps in there RIGHT AFTER I AM DONE and uses it !!!!!:eek:

04-19-2002, 11:22 PM
Hahaha... THIS IS SO HILARIOUS!!!! You guys certainly have a handful - in every sense of the word :) My cat Pippo has just done his most annoying thing.. I was having soup for brunch and i left it on the table while i did some other stuff and when i came back he was ON THE TABLE with his FACE IN MY SOUP!!!! I couldn't believe it - my brunch was half gone! And last night he stole a piece of chicken off the table as well...sigh..he is so terrible sometimes!

04-19-2002, 11:29 PM
Hmmm, going to have to think about this ... I hate it when the kids door-dash and we've had a bunch of that this past week. :mad: :( :rolleyes: :eek:

The only other one that springs to mind right now is when I want to get a photo of Livvy, most of the time she tries to get away. **Uh, oh - little flashy box on Momma's face again. Things gonna get REAL bright soon. Must slink away.** For all the photos that I've posted of her lolling or napping, I think I have double that of a rear view of her hustling out of the room! CATS!!! :eek: :rolleyes: :eek: ;)

How can anything so maddening be so darned lovable? :confused:

04-20-2002, 12:09 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
[B][color=blue]Leonardo is built like a miniature tank! He weights 13 pounds and is heavy. He has long hair that tends to stick out in all directions, especially when I try to get around him. He loves to get in front of me and mosey along. He has built in radar too; if I move left to pass him, he moves left; if I move right, so does he. He can fill a whole doorway just by himself. He loves to play this game when I am in a hurry.

:D :D :D momofuzzyface!!! That's so funny! My cat Kedi kinda does that too, and I guess that is my thing about him that is annoying (but cute too :rolleyes: ) When he REALLY annoys me doing that, is when I have BLACK pants or skirt on............he's cream color. :eek: It always seems like it happens when I am about to go out the door! I have taken to carrying a sticky lint remover in my car :rolleyes:

04-20-2002, 07:31 AM
Sydney has the bad habit to hide behind the wall and jump right before my feet on the moment I'm passing by !!!!
It always scares me , but he seems to enjoy his little game !!!!!The rascal :mad: :p ;)

04-20-2002, 07:50 AM
Oh wow MOFF you've opened the flood gates here!! ALL three stooges do exactly the same as Leonardo and I could TEAR my hair at times!! Especially if I've got a tray full of something - from the rear it must look like some strange confused dance!

Sara - Yes as soon as the litterbox is clean - in jumps Bagel!!

Yes yes yes - Mocha , AmberLee and Yorkster all three of those!!!!

AND as soon as I've vacuumed why oh why does Dan have to roll all over the floor? AND as soon as the bath has been cleaned does he have to jump in? AND as soon as they water dish has been washed and refilled does he drop some disgusting thing in it?
D'you know it's just struck me writing this - my furkids hate CLEAN - Yipppeeeeee no more housework!!!!!:D :D :D :D


04-20-2002, 07:58 AM
I am afraid that Trevor is guilty of most of the above too. :rolleyes: His most annoying habit, though, is walking on me and meowing very early on a weekend morning. :( Actually he does it every morning but the weekends are the worst. I try to turn over and ignore him but it's hard to ignore a LOUD 20 lb. cat. After I feed him he goes back to sleep and I am wide awake. :rolleyes:

04-20-2002, 11:23 AM
Originally posted by Mocha
My cat Pippo has just done his most annoying thing.. I was having soup for brunch and i left it on the table while i did some other stuff and when i came back he was ON THE TABLE with his FACE IN MY SOUP!!!! I couldn't believe it - my brunch was half gone! And last night he stole a piece of chicken off the table as well...sigh..he is so terrible sometimes!
This reminds me of the other day. I caught Chester fishing around with his paw in my iced tea trying to catch an ice cube! I know better than to leave a glass alone with them in the house but thought I could get by with it 'just this once'.:D

Former User
04-20-2002, 12:24 PM
I hate it when Casper has eaten tuna for example and then he goes and has a sip of water from my glass, and then I have a "lovely" tuna flavoured water :rolleyes: And he knows also how to slow me down by walking infront of me, taking one step per minute. This isn't funny when having a huge need to go to the toilet :D Kitty always makes sure the area where they eat isn't clean! Dry food and water all over the floor there, I guess she doesn't like clean either :rolleyes:

04-20-2002, 12:30 PM
LOL!!! Yes Pippo ALWAYS drinks out of my glass too - I have no idea why..and sometimes we don't know until we taste the water..hahaha...btw, he has JUST eaten a bug. GROSS!! I think it's made him feel a little queasy though 'coz he's having a quick lie - down now.

04-20-2002, 12:32 PM
Life with cats! I'm ROTFLOL!!! There's a lot of similarity in our experiences -- do you think there's a conspiracy going on here? hee, hee, hee!!!

Former User
04-20-2002, 12:32 PM
Yeah, another gross habit, eating spiders, flies etc. In summertime, less kissing with the cats, never know what they've eaten :rolleyes:

04-20-2002, 01:36 PM
I've experienced THAT a few times too!:D

04-20-2002, 01:54 PM
Ok, Mocha is TOTALLY guilty of the "You-just-cleaned-the-box-now-I-GOTTA-go!!" Her other annoying habit is "Door Dashing" which you would think she would have learned not to do, because she gets sprayed with water EVERY time.

Bonzo's annoying habit is he has learned this YEOWL. It is most pitiful. He had some kind of episode last year and was rushed to the White Coats. He has learned that that particular YEOWL will make Mommy & Daddy Stop EVERYTHING and come running.

Both Beans are VERY guilty of weaving between the legs to make you do that funky little dance only to look at you with such disdain when you start to lose your balance.:rolleyes: :o

04-20-2002, 03:26 PM
Pepper door dashes (all the time now) and will silently slip out if we're not watching closely....

Max hides under the bed and attacks you...

Max, Pepper and Milo all like to try whatever your eating. Doesnt matter what it is, they want it :/ If they dont like it, they play with it....

Max like to suck on ears :rolleyes: which is OK sometimes, but at 3am or when your trying to watch a movie... :mad:

04-20-2002, 05:32 PM
I caught Wylie CHEWING on my toothbrush the other day! :eek: (and yes, the bristle end)
accckkkkkk! our toothbrushes are now out of reach in the cupboard.............:)

04-20-2002, 08:04 PM
Pepper likes to jump in the litterbox after it's just been cleaned and he also likes to jump up in bed with me in the wee hours of the morning and knead my neck and chest and then drool all over me. :eek: Storm likes to rub himself all over me so then I have to grab the pet hair pick up tape to get it off me. He also likes to walk so close to my feet that I almost trip. Sunny likes to meow very loud in my ear to wake me up and this is at 4-5am. He also likes to play in his water dish so much that it sometimes looks like he's been swimming. As soon as I clean up the water, he plays in it again. What am I going to do with my crazy kitties?:confused:

Lennie B.
04-20-2002, 10:38 PM
One annoying thing that Vinny does is to sidle up to you as you're sitting or standing and act as if he wants you to pick him up. (He rubs around your ankles and purrs and looks very cute indeed.) Then, when you reach out to grab him, he evades you by either ducking or stepping back just out of reach. He seems to find it quite amusing to watch you stooping and swiping at thin air! GRRR! :mad:

04-20-2002, 10:50 PM
So Vinny's a sidler??? (I'm thinking of a Seinfield episode, don't mind me) :)

Actually, my cat Wylie does that too :mad: very annoying:rolleyes:

4 feline house
04-20-2002, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
Sunny likes to meow in my ear

And I guess Sunny would be a close-talker!

Lennie B.
04-20-2002, 11:16 PM
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one to be subjected to this behaviour. Vinny certainly has it down to a science! The worst thing is that he quite graciously allows me to pick him up and cuddle him some of the time- just often enough to keep me coming back for more. I think he uses this "bait and switch" routine just to remind me who's boss. (Hint: It isn't me!) :D :D :D

04-21-2002, 03:10 PM
:rolleyes: gee , Vinnie and Sydney have the same habit :rubbing your leg and just when you decide to pick him up , he jumps out of reach .........:mad: :mad: :mad:
Not funny you know , as with my bad back , it is not so easy to bend over quickly .......
CATS .....:confused: who could ever live without them ???
( I couldn't ;) ;) )

04-21-2002, 03:13 PM
Max does this :rolleyes: but I *think* he is playing with me cause he doesnt do it all the time, just once in a while...

Originally posted by Lennie B.
One annoying thing that Vinny does is to sidle up to you as you're sitting or standing and act as if he wants you to pick him up. (He rubs around your ankles and purrs and looks very cute indeed.) Then, when you reach out to grab him, he evades you by either ducking or stepping back just out of reach. He seems to find it quite amusing to watch you stooping and swiping at thin air! GRRR! :mad:

04-21-2002, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by 4 feline house

And I guess Sunny would be a close-talker!

:D I had almost forgotten about that one! Sure do miss Seinfeld! :D

04-22-2002, 12:15 AM
Bassett's most annoying habit is her drooling.. it isn't the average drool.. I swear she has a faucet in there somewhere and she turns in on the minute she jumps on my lap.. EXPECIALLY when I have shorts on!! EEW!! :eek: Tilly is just bad for sticking her nose (which is usually cold and slimey) in my face, which I really don't like! :rolleyes:

04-22-2002, 11:35 AM
The only thing that Tinky does that is CRAZY is every time I clean out the litter box she jumps in there RIGHT AFTER I AM DONE and uses it !!!!!

oh, all my cats do that...once, before I could even finish scooping it out, Muffin AND Cookie got in the same one and sat rear to rear!!!!:eek:

The only other one that springs to mind right now is when I want to get a photo of Livvy, most of the time she tries to get away. **Uh, oh - little flashy box on Momma's face again. Things gonna get REAL bright soon. Must slink away.**

LOL Muffin or Cookie never did that, but the 2 new ones both do!!

How can anything so maddening be so darned lovable?

LOL...How can anything with such a sweet face, be so..awful on the other end!!
the litterbox is the worst part of owning cats!

I am afraid that Trevor is guilty of most of the above too. His most annoying habit, though, is walking on me and meowing very early on a weekend morning. Actually he does it every morning but the weekends are the worst. I try to turn over and ignore him but it's hard to ignore a LOUD 20 lb. cat. After I feed him he goes back to sleep and I am wide awake

Yes it is annoying to be awaken by a cat--whether it's a 20 pound cat, or a 9 pound cat, they all have the persistant meow!

LOL!!! Yes Pippo ALWAYS drinks out of my glass too - I have no idea why..

Cookie was always, ALWAYS doing that. we had to really guard our glasses, she thought she was human, she preferred drinking out of glasses instead of bowls!!
Here is a pic of her.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-22-2002, 03:26 PM
Yes, Tubby does all of these, and Peanut most of them. :rolleyes:

To me though, Tubby's most annoying habit is when he sniffs me. He usually does it when I have shorts on. He'll come over and start sniffing my legs. The irritating part is that his nose is usually wet and cold, and he will just ever so lightly touch my leg with his cold, wet nose. If the periods here are his nose, this is what it's like . . . . And sometimes when I'm laying on the couch, he'll come over and do that to my face. It's like little kitty nose kisses, but it's not nose kisses and I hate it - don't know why, just do. :rolleyes: :D

Peanut's most annoying habit is that she won't come upstairs at night with us when we're watching TV. She always stays downstairs, being anti-social. If I pick her up and bring her upstairs, she will stay.....until someone goes downstairs. Then she follows them down and never comes back up. I feel bad for her sitting down there all by herself and I guess that's why it irritates me is because she doesn't seem to notice that I'm feeling bad for her. :rolleyes: She obviously prefers being down there, and I should just let her be, but I want her to come upstairs and be part of the family. :( Oh well, whaddya gonna do? :rolleyes:

04-22-2002, 05:34 PM
Tough cookie that picture is great!!!!! :D

Lennie B.
04-22-2002, 09:49 PM
I know what you mean about a cat going off by itself when you want him/her to stay with you- Vinny refuses to sleep in our bedroom at night. Our two dogs sleep with us every night- Gemma (a twenty-one pound sheltie-poo) sleeps on our bed cuddled up to me, and Robbie (a forty-two pound wheaten-poo) sleeps in his cosy drop-and-flop beside our bed. There would be plenty of room for Vinny on our bed, which is a king, but he just will not stay on it. He also has a bed on the floor at the foot of our bed, which he also ignores. I get jealous when I read about peoples' cats sleeping between their pillows. Vinny will do this during the day, but not at night! He gets along fine with the dogs, so I know that this is not a factor. :(

04-22-2002, 10:38 PM
My Katie girl does the running in front of you bit and jumping in the litter box as soon as i clean it too. But the one thing that really really annoys me at times is when we all go to bed and she stands in the middle of the hallway and comes out with this god awful, and loud i might add, long drawn out meow. No word of a lie, this happens EVERY NIGHT. It's like she can't stand the lights being off and i know for a fact that she does not like closed doors, even though i keep mine open cause she and Buddy sleep with us. But she does this also during the day too. She just stands there and comes out with this meow as if to say "WILL SOMEONE PAY ATTENTION TO ME PLEASE". She is a real talker and there are times when i turn around and say "KATIE GIVE IT A REST".
One thing for sure though, i wouldn't trade her for the world cause she is my Katie pretty lady. :D
Oh yeah i forgot to mention that when she yells at night, i just have to call her and she comes running up on the bed for some lovings and then takes her place behind my knees.
I would just love to know why she does this ritual of hers every single day. :confused:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-23-2002, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by rg_girlca
Oh yeah i forgot to mention that when she yells at night, i just have to call her and she comes running up on the bed for some lovings and then takes her place behind my knees.
I would just love to know why she does this ritual of hers every single day. :confused:

I can't help in why she does it, but Tubby does the same thing. He'll be in the basement, and we can hear in yowling. Or sometimes we're upstairs and he's downstairs when he does it. It sounds like he's calling for us, like he can't find us. As soon as I call he comes to where we are, but he has to do the ritual of yowling then me calling before he comes. Sometimes I say "Come on Tubby, you know where we are." :rolleyes:

04-23-2002, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by 4 feline house

And I guess Sunny would be a close-talker!

:D :D :D

and Pam, I watch all the Seinfild re-runs- never get tired of them (well, most of them):cool: :D

04-24-2002, 11:06 PM
My sweet Julie, thank goodness, has none of the annoying habits mentioned above and really none except that she likes to jump on my ribs (my most sensitive area) when I am lying on my side in bed. She is good about stopping the other rare "naughty" things she might try to do as soon as I say NO! but with the ribs, she just persists. It really hurts! Good thing she only weighs 9 lb. I would hate to have a 20 lb cat do that to me!

By the way, I LOVE the feel of Julie's cold wet nose when she sniffs me or puts it up to my nose! I think it's sweet ...

maxx's mom
04-24-2002, 11:48 PM
What a funny topic! Maxx is guilty of the litter-box thing. Other annoying habits are that she somehow manages to find my husband's golf balls and plays with them on the tile floor, which is extremely loud at 3 am! She drinks out of my water glass, sits right on my breastbone while I'm trying to sleep (ouch) and attacks the fish in the fish tank (through the glass). At exactly 11 p.m. every night, she goes completely nuts and runs around the house like an idiot, growling and grunting. That's not really annoying but pretty funny. We call it "kitty happy hour" around here. My cat doesn't need catnip! She also drinks out of the toilets, despite the fact that she gets fresh water twice a day. When I'm having a bath, she sits on the edge of the tub, sticking her paws in and drinking the water. Despite all these goofy antics, I love her to death!:D But the most annoying of all...when I pick up her food dish in the morning to feed her, she batts the dish, usually causing me to spill kibble all over the kitchen floor, which is not fun to clean up when you're still half asleep!:cool:

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2002, 12:02 AM
originally posted by maxx's mom
she batts the dish, usually causing me to spill kibble all over the kitchen floor, which is not fun to clean up when you're still half asleep!
that sounds cute!!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-25-2002, 10:03 AM
I remembered another one of Tubby's most annoying habits last night as I was rudely awakened about 1:00 am. Peanut will normally crawl in bed with us when we go to bed. Tubby will sometimes but will normally leave shortly and go sleep on "his" recliner. Then in the middle of the night (1:00 am) he'll jump back up and go pick on Peanut to make her leave, then he'll settle down and go to sleep. This really does irritate me because Peanut is just minding her own business, sleeping contentedly, then the big ol' bully has to come and kick her off the bed just so he can have it all to himself. Last night they got into it a little bit so it woke me up, and I yelled at him for being so mean to her and kicked him off too. (bad mommy!) Of course I felt bad and got up to go get him and bring him back into bed, but I just really don't like it when he does that to her. I brought her back into bed too and petted them both at the same time so he could see that she doesn't take any attention away from him, and that they could both sleep in the same bed, but I doubt if it made any difference. :( :confused:

Former User
04-25-2002, 10:09 AM
Tubby & Peanut's Mom, oh, the things we do for our furkids... :rolleyes:

04-25-2002, 12:43 PM
yep !!! I would do ANYTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:) :D :cool: :rolleyes: ;)

04-25-2002, 08:10 PM
Each of my three babies have an annoying habit. My little girl, Trixie, has the VERY exasperating habit of glass tipping. I can't count the number of glasses and cups she's tipped over and the stains she caused on my cream colored carpet. Thank God for my Rainbow cleaner which has a carpeting cleaning attachment.

Bo has the bad habit of chewing on my houseplants, despite having his own planter of grass to eat. Bitter Apple spray doesn't seem to stop him for very long.

Jazz tends to use my chest as a jumping board as she tears around the living room. Thank goodness she's still young and doesn't weigh much - hopefully she'll calm down as she gets older!

maxx's mom
04-26-2002, 08:09 PM
I was reminded at 6 a.m. this morning of another of Maxx's annoying habits. Those darn toes of mine just would not stay in the blanket where they belonged, so Maxx had to put them in their place!:eek: Bad toes!

04-29-2002, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by maxx's mom
I was reminded at 6 a.m. this morning of another of Maxx's annoying habits. Those darn toes of mine just would not stay in the blanket where they belonged, so Maxx had to put them in their place!:eek: Bad toes! :D

:D :D :D
I can relate!