View Full Version : Up-date on Snow Cat

04-19-2002, 06:32 PM
As many of your are aware, I had Snow Cat neutered today. In fact, we have been home about 1/2 hour already. He is a little wobbly and his eyes were as big as saucers on the way home, but not a peep out of him. This morning, when I (reluctantly) left him with the vets for the day, he received some big hugs from the attendant (probably because he is more beautiful than the average cat! -Just bragging) .(For a near likeness of Snow Cat, see COTD for Aug 26, 1999, Skylar) Anyway, they called just after sedating him to tell me that he had ear mites. News to me, although I probably wouldn't recognize ear mites if I were to see them. This brings up another question;

How many of you give your furkids an annual check up? The fact that I did not know Snow Cat had ear mites (which I told them to correct the problem), just as well tells me that perhaps, because a cat doesn't act sick, that there could be other things wrong with them. And that I should leave the annual check-up with someone who knows more about felines and their problems than I do.

Anyway, Snow Cat and Princess are both sleeping together on a towel laid across my bed. His first reaction when I let him out of the carrier was to explore the house, as though something had changed in here:D Then he began to climb and place stress on his incision, which I immediately picked him up and placed him on the bed. He went to sleep after some petting and scritchies.;)


04-19-2002, 06:41 PM
I'm glad that Snow Cat came thru surgery O.K.,
Hope he's feeling better very soon. Don't kitties
make a "sweet picture" when they are stretched
out and sleeping peacefully?

04-19-2002, 06:44 PM
{{{Snow Cat}}} so glad you made it through surgery with flying colors.

4 feline house
04-19-2002, 06:53 PM
All my cats get annual exams, which is why I eschew the rabies clinics even though they are extremely cheap. They are cheap because all you get is a poke!

Your kitty was very lucky to have ear mites without you knowing it. I say this because they cause intense itching and many cats will scratch until they bleed.

I'm glad Snow Cat came through okay. Of course, when he wakes up and realizes what you've done to him........:D

04-19-2002, 07:46 PM
4 feline house, that was precisely the problem, he did not scratch his ears, at least where I could watch him. Normally a cat will practically bury their paw in an ear with ear mite itch. But to the best of my recollection, I did not see him do this, and therefore, did not suspect any type of infestation. Well, anyway the problem has been taken care of, and I might add his ears appear more pink on the inside since he had this treatment. And his ears are larger than the average cat, probably because of being a blue-eyed, flame-point Siamese.

04-19-2002, 11:10 PM
I'm glad Snow Cat made it through surgery okay. I hope he feels better soon. My cats get annual exams also. I don't think that you can see ear mites unless you put them under a microscope or a magnifying glass. Storm had them and a few other things when I got him. He also had fleas so I couldn't tell if he was scratching his ears more or his body. At least this is something that can be treated.

4 feline house
04-20-2002, 12:36 AM
They are tiny - last time one of my cats had them my vet gave me the otoscope and I had a look-see. They're white! I was expecting typical bug color! They can be seen with the naked eye, but with difficulty since they are so miniscule.

04-20-2002, 08:44 AM
Wayne - nice to see Princess taking care of the 'poorly'boy - see on her own or with a male she's so happy (harking back to your other thread there re: Princess sorry). Hope he's up and about tomorrow - nose kisses flying over to him xxxxx

Our cats are checked every 12 months when they have their boosters. Touch wood we've been lucky so far!!:D


04-20-2002, 10:18 AM
Snow Cat is now wandering around the house with this incessant "talking", which sounds more like a mournful meow. I am supposing that he will become more talkative after he totally heals in about a week or so.:)


04-21-2002, 06:10 PM
This sunday afternoon, Snow Cat has really settled down. He doesn't get into things as he used to, and doesn't bother the "girls". If he continues on this behavior pattern, I definitely will have all of my furkids spayed and neutered, assuming that Snow Cat represents the nominal activity and affection requirments. Snow Cat is definitely more affectionate even just 3 days after his operation.

Princess is laying beside me next to the keyboard. Her leg is getting much better. She even jumps up on things like she used to. So, I know that she is on the mend.


04-22-2002, 08:05 AM
So pleased that both Snow Cat and Princess are doing better.

04-22-2002, 08:54 AM
Great news Wayne BOTH the furkids improving daily - thats what we like to hear!! Nose kisses and head bumpies to both the convelescents xxxxxx:)
