#!/usr/bin/perl # Shortened for URL length with switch to GET method # maxresults mr # previews pr # query q # searchkind sk #Keyword from html form for any kind of pet $anykind = "any"; # My directory for the log file $logdir = "."; #Path to the index $index = "petindex"; #Path to the configuration file $config = "search.conf"; #- Main Program -------------------------------------------------------------# #Parse the form data &parse_form_data (*FORM); #Construct a simple query $query = $FORM{'q'}; $results = $FORM{'mr'}; $temp_previews = $FORM{'pr'}; $sk = $FORM{'sk'}; if ($temp_previews eq "ON") { $show_previews = 1; } else { $show_previews = 0; } if ($query || ($sk ne $anykind) ) { &search_parse; } else { &search_error("Please enter at least one word in the \"Search for\" box."); } #- Subroutines ---------------------------------------------------------------# #Subroutine for checking and parsing the incoming form data. sub parse_form_data { local (*FORM_DATA) = @_; local ($request_method, $query_string, @key_value_pairs, $key_value, $key, $value); $request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}; if ($request_method eq "GET") { $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } elsif ($request_method eq "POST") { read (STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { &search_error ("Forms must use either GET or POST."); } @key_value_pairs = split (/&/, $query_string); foreach $key_value (@key_value_pairs) { ($key, $value) = split (/=/, $key_value); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg; if (defined ($FORM_DATA{$key})) { $FORM_DATA{$key} = join ("\0", $FORM_DATA{$key}, $value); } else { $FORM_DATA{$key} = $value; } } } #Subroutine for constructing the search request and formating the results. sub search_parse { #Create your query command if ($results < 1 || $results > 500) {$results = 10;}; $count=0; if ($sk eq "Dogs") { $restriction = "kind=dog "; } elsif ($sk eq "Alpacas") { $restriction = "kind=Alpaca "; } elsif ($sk eq "Bats") { $restriction = "kind=bat "; } elsif ($sk eq "Birds") { $restriction = "kind=bird "; } elsif ($sk eq "Bisons") { $restriction = "kind=bison "; } elsif ($sk eq "Burros") { $restriction = "kind=burro "; } elsif ($sk eq "Camels") { $restriction = "kind=camel "; } elsif ($sk eq "Cats") { $restriction = "kind=cat "; } elsif ($sk eq "Cattle") { $restriction = "kind=cattle "; } elsif ($sk eq "Chickens") { $restriction = "kind=chicken "; } elsif ($sk eq "Chinchillas") { $restriction = "kind=chinchilla "; } elsif ($sk eq "Cows") { $restriction = "kind=cow "; } elsif ($sk eq "Deer") { $restriction = "kind=deer "; } elsif ($sk eq "Degus") { $restriction = "kind=degu "; } elsif ($sk eq "Dogs") { $restriction = "kind=dog "; } elsif ($sk eq "Donkeys") { $restriction = "kind=donkey "; } elsif ($sk eq "Ducks") { $restriction = "kind=duck "; } elsif ($sk eq "Duprasis") { $restriction = "kind=duprasi "; } elsif ($sk eq "Ferrets") { $restriction = "kind=ferret "; } elsif ($sk eq "Fish") { $restriction = "kind=fish "; } elsif ($sk eq "Frogs") { $restriction = "kind=frog "; } elsif ($sk eq "Gerbils") { $restriction = "kind=gerbil "; } elsif ($sk eq "Goats") { $restriction = "kind=goat "; } elsif ($sk eq "Guinea Pigs") { $restriction = "kind=guinea pig "; } elsif ($sk eq "Hamsters") { $restriction = "kind=hamster "; } elsif ($sk eq "Hedgehogs") { $restriction = "kind=hedgehog "; } elsif ($sk eq "Horses") { $restriction = "kind=horse "; } elsif ($sk eq "Iguanas") { $restriction = "kind=iguana "; } elsif ($sk eq "Lizards") { $restriction = "kind=lizard "; } elsif ($sk eq "Llamas") { $restriction = "kind=llama "; } elsif ($sk eq "Monkeys") { $restriction = "kind=monkey "; } elsif ($sk eq "Mice") { $restriction = "kind=mice "; } elsif ($sk eq "Mules") { $restriction = "kind=mule "; } elsif ($sk eq "Opossum") { $restriction = "kind=opossum "; } elsif ($sk eq "Parrots") { $restriction = "kind=parrot "; } elsif ($sk eq "Pigs") { $restriction = "kind=pig "; } elsif ($sk eq "Porcupines") { $restriction = "kind=porcupine "; } elsif ($sk eq "Prairie Dogs") { $restriction = "kind=prairiedog "; } elsif ($sk eq "Rabbits") { $restriction = "kind=rabbit "; } elsif ($sk eq "Raccoons") { $restriction = "kind=raccoon "; } elsif ($sk eq "Rats") { $restriction = "kind=rat "; } elsif ($sk eq "Sheep") { $restriction = "kind=sheep "; } elsif ($sk eq "Skunks") { $restriction = "kind=skunk "; } elsif ($sk eq "Snakes") { $restriction = "kind=snake "; } elsif ($sk eq "Spiders") { $restriction = "kind=spider "; } elsif ($sk eq "Squirrels") { $restriction = "kind=squirrel "; } elsif ($sk eq "Sugar Gliders") { $restriction = "kind=sugar glider "; } elsif ($sk eq "Toads") { $restriction = "kind=toad "; } elsif ($sk eq "Tortoises") { $restriction = "kind=tortoise "; } elsif ($sk eq "Turtles") { $restriction = "kind=turtle "; } elsif ($sk eq "Wallabys") { $restriction = "kind=wallaby "; } elsif ($sk eq "Whales") { $restriction = "kind=whale "; } else { $restriction = ""; } $restricted_query = $restriction . $query; # # # logging open(SEARCHLOG_FH,">> searchlog"); chdir $logdir; # print SEARCHLOG_FH (localtime(time))," ",$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}," ",$restricted_query,"\n"; ($mysec,$mymin,$myhour,$mymday,$mymon,$myyear,$mywday,$myyday,$myisdst) = localtime(time); $mymon += 1; print SEARCHLOG_FH $myhour, ":", $mymin,":",$mysec," ",$mymon,"/",$mymday," ",$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}," ",$restricted_query,"\n"; close(SEARCHLOG_FH); # # # open(SEARCH_P, "./search -w $restricted_query -m $results -f $index|"); #Check for errors $foundIt = 0; while () { chop; if ($foundIt == 0 && m/Number of hits/) { ($trash, $hitcount) = split /: /, $_, 2; $foundIt = 1; } if ($_ eq "err: no results") {&search_error("There are no items that matched your search request.");} if ($_ eq "err: could not open index file") {&search_error("Something went wrong.");} if ($_ eq "err: no search words specified") {&search_error("Please enter at least one word in the \"Search for\" box.");} if ($_ eq "err: a word is too common") {&search_error("One of your search terms is too common, please try again.");} next if /^\D/; $count++; push(@results, $_); } # # # if ($query eq "") { $query = "all ". $sk; } #Print the results page &html_header("Search Results"); print < Your search for $query returned $count items out of $hitcount items.

Search_Results $InLeftColumn = 1; if ($show_previews) { select(STDOUT); print ""; # print "
"; foreach (@results) { ($stringone, $title, $filesize) = split(/\"/, $_); ($rank, $url) = split(/ /, $stringone); ($PetName, $PetKind, $PetDate) = split(/ - /, $title); if ( $url =~ m#/archive/#) { $preview_image_url = "\"" . $url . "\""; $preview_image_url =~ s/.html/s.jpg/; ($Ua,$Ub,$Uc,$Ud,$Ue,$Uf,$Ug) = split("/",$url); $Uf_Images = $Uf . "Images"; $preview_image_url =~ s/$Uf/$Uf_Images/; if ($InLeftColumn == 1) { print "
"; # Change size below too print ""; print "\n"; $InLeftColumn = 0; } else { print ""; print ""; print "\n"; $InLeftColumn = 1; } } else { # Killed printing of non PET archive pages for now. # print ""; # print ""; # print "\n"; } } if ($InLeftColumn == 0) { print ""; print ""; print "\n"; } # print ""; } else { print ""; print "
    "; foreach (@results) { select(STDOUT); ($stringone, $title, $filesize) = split(/\"/, $_); ($rank, $url) = split(/ /, $stringone); print "
  1. $title
    \n"; } print "
\n"; print "
"; } &html_trailer; } # Subroutine for printing a generic HTML header. sub html_header { # $document_title = $_[0]; print < Search for: $query
Petof the Day

Today's Pet
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Pet Talk
About Us

Dog of the Day
Dog of the Day
Cat of the Day
Cat of the Day
Pet of the Day
Pet of the Day
HTML_Header # if ($show_previews) # { # print ""; # } } # Subroutine for printing the HTML trailer. sub html_trailer { if ($show_previews) { print "
"; } print < Return to the Search page
HTML_Trailer exit; } # Subroutine for printing error messages. sub search_error { &html_header("Search Error"); $error_message = $_[0]; print "


\n"; &html_trailer; }