Pet of the Day
BackBack December 6, 2020

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Cilie the Lionhead Dwarf mix Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Cilie
Age: Seven weeks old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lionhead Dwarf mix Rabbit
Home: Frankenthal, Germany
   Hi, this is Cilie. I do not have any pet of my own, but Cilie is the rabbit of my friends. She is very young, just a few weeks old. It is a girl and it has brown hair. She is a Lionhead mix - even at such a young age, you can see the beginning of her "mane" she will have.

     She is very small, and fits in two of my hands. She likes eating carrots, sleeping and running around in the hutch.

     Cilie has very soft hair - I like to touch it. She is very fast and can run away easily, so it feels extra special when she holds still so I can pet her. Isn't she the cutest thing ever?

Talk about Cilie in Pet Talk!

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