Pet of the Day
BackBack November 18, 2018

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Wuschel the Lionhead mix Rabbit,  the Pet of the Day
Name: Wuschel
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lionhead mix Rabbit
Home: Germany
   Hi, this is Wuschel. She is very sweet and lovely and has the cutest white spot on her nose. Wuschel is five years old, but fast and she likes sports and playing games. My pet is a rabbit and has nice long fur. She lives in a cage and sometimes outside, then she eats grass or is sleeping in the sun.

     Her favorite foods are carrots, hard bread and hay. I like Wuschel, because she is a very nice and pretty rabbit.

     Wuschel and I would like to remind everyone that a rabbit is not a toy. Do not get a rabbit for a Christmas or Easter present unless you realize it is a real animal who will need love and care and hay - lots of hay, Wuschel says. And treats. And petting.

Talk about Wuschel in Pet Talk!

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