Pet of the Day
BackBack July 3, 2018

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Jesus the Hamster,  the Pet of the Day
Name: Jesus
Age: Two months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Hamster
Home: Guangdong, China
   My hamster's name's Jesus! He (I think it's a he) is about two month old, gentle but alert, and very curious at the same time. He's fluffy and soft, and golden like the afternoon sun. He just warms up people's hearts. We live in Guangdong Province, in the south of China.

     Jesus is not my first hamster, I had two hamsters years ago ( in different times) . I just suddenly wanted a new hamster without a certain reason! And this thought just kept popping up in my head until I couldn't bare it anymore and adopted him. I guess it's the call of fate! His personality is...natural? He acts natural, lively and active. Actually he doesn't show himself a lot, as you know hamsters tend to have fun at night (especially him, who wouldn't come out until all lights' out). I wake him up in the day to feed him when his bowl's empty, and that's when I'll take photos. He is really soft!

     He likes to sleep in some really strange places like between his house and the wall behind, and dig holes through his bedding, it's actually difficult to find him in that big cage I gave him. I sometimes stay up late and saw him running in the dark, like an elf of the night. I think he's more of an independent type, and I don't think that I should interfere with his life too much. I like little animals like hamsters and betta fish being independent, because that's the sign of a good state. Big hoomans might scare that little creature sometimes. But when my family or me hold him on the hands, he doesn't bite. So I guess he's pretty gentle and patient after all! Hamsters only have little heads, I wouldn't ask too much of him, but you have my words that I love him with everything I have. No one can say no to such a fluffy and golden little creature!

Jesus the Hamster,  the Pet of the Day Jesus the Hamster,  the Pet of the Day

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