Pet of the Day
BackBack January 14, 2018

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Gustav the Lionhead mix Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Gustav
Age: Deceased, eight years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Lionhead mix Rabbit
Home: Germany
   This is Gustav, he was my rabbit. He was eight years old, but he died two years ago. He was a lionhead mix, and was always a small rabbit. This was his picture when he was young, but he did not get much bigger. He was fast, sweet, clever and very cool.

     He lived in a hutch in the house and it was allowed for him to go around in the whole house for play time every day. He liked to be stroked sometimes, but not always. He had his own personality. He was a good pet for me, and I will always remember him.

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