Pet of the Day
BackBack April 12, 2017

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Fred the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Fred
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
Home: Hawksbury Village, England, UK
   I run free, I bite, I tweet @FrednGingaBuns ohh and I chase pigeons. I think of myself as a Ninja Dwarf bunny.

     Fred is a girl Wabbit, she is also known as #Ninja or #Monk (as in Monkey). She is very free-spirited and lives freely (ie not caged) with us, like a cat or a dog would do. She is quite dominant and does not like other animals or rabbits or to be handled, although she does enjoy 'strokies' from time to time.

     Fred has free run of the garden too when we are home, and she comes and goes there as she pleases, she is fully litter trained and even comes inside from the garden to use her litter tray. Fred is very inquisitive and inspects and chins anything new, she also checks out all visitors to her domain. Fred particularly likes running up and down the stairs, chewing books and labels and doing 'zoomies' around the house and garden. Burt (a fully functioning boy) was our first rabbit and he pretty much lived freely with us too for over nine years, so he trained us well. Fred is just over seven years old, and is showing no signs of relaxing any of her duties!

Fred the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit, the Pet of the Day Fred the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit, the Pet of the Day Fred the Netherland Dwarf Rabbit, the Pet of the Day

Talk about Fred in Pet Talk!

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