Pet of the Day
BackBack November 8, 2016

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Dwopple the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the Pet of the Day
Name: Dwopple
Age: Nine months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Nigerian Dwarf Goat
Home: North Carolina, USA
   Dwopple is a Nigerian Dwarf wether - that is the term for a neutered male. Dwopple is a name from a book series (Redwall) that my sister and I read. He was born in January along with his sister, Song (she's in some of the photos). All of our kids this year were named after characters in those books - Song is short for Songbreeze.

     Dwopple and Song were dam-raised (raised nursing their mother and not a bottle). Even though it is commonly believed that dam raising produces skittish, unfriendly kids, Dwop and Song are actually very friendly.

     Dwopple is a rather stubborn and loving goat, taking after his sire on many accounts - including that of fence jumping. This dude is a master fence jumper! Oh well. He is much sillier and more fun-loving than Song, who is very prissy and delicate, just like their dam. I love him!

Dwopple the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the Pet of the Day Dwopple the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the Pet of the Day Dwopple the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the Pet of the Day Dwopple the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, the Pet of the Day

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