Pet of the Day
BackBack July 26, 2016

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Frisk the Cuban Knight Anole, the Pet of the Day
Name: Frisk
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Kind: Cuban Knight Anole
Home: Tennessee, USA
   Frisk has been handled since he was very young and is normally calm around humans. He can be timid at time and if he is irritated he will still try to bite sometimes. He loves to eat bananas and crickets. I'm not sure how old Frisk is but he's about 11 inches long and not fully grown. He's a male, and according to many different forums and wikipedia pages, males normally grown to be larger than females. As you can see in his pictures, he makes dramatic changes in color. He will change color depending on mood, normally hes a darker color if stressed and a lighter color if calm.

     Cuban Knight are the largest member of the Anole family, growing 13 to 20 inches in length. If you are considering getting a Cuban Knight Anole, make sure you do lots of research. Make sure you are prepared for a tropical lizard, as they need a very humid home. It's best not to house Anoles with other lizards as they can be quite aggressive. Anoles are very territorial and may attack other lizards.

Frisk the Cuban Knight Anole, the Pet of the Day Frisk the Cuban Knight Anole, the Pet of the Day Frisk the Cuban Knight Anole, the Pet of the Day Frisk the Cuban Knight Anole, the Pet of the Day

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