Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Panda the Ferret, the Pet of the Day
Name: Panda
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Ferret
Home: Wilmington, North Carolina, USA
   Panda is my ferret, and he is quite a character. I found him on the streets and I rescued him. He's my first and only ferret.

     Ferrets are known to be little thieves, and Panda takes it to a new level! He steals my clothes! He apparently thinks that if he takes one pair of my pants, a shirt, or bra and my socks that I can't go anywhere at all, and will stay home and play with him all day! This cute little tube of fur doesn't get it. I have a whole entire small room filled with clothes ... but get this - not only does he take them and hide them, but he hides them in the bathtub, the toaster oven, and the fridge. But I still love him.

     He's sweeter than sugar, and is very protective of me. He squeeks and chirps like a panda bear. He is also smart - he knows how to flip, both frontwards and backwards. He likes to play fetch and to play "Seeking" games - he will let me hide the ball and then have him find it.

     Panda is affectionate, too. He hates his cage, intead he loves sleeping in my spare blanket he's made into a bed/cave on my bed. He loves giving kisses too.

     Panda and I would like to remind everyone that, if you no longer want a pet, please take it to your local shelter or even a veterinarian. He and I are both lucky I found him that day, as the streets are no safe place for a domesticated animal to live!

Talk about Panda in Pet Talk!

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