Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day
Name: Freemont Jonesy
Age: Four and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Shorthair Guinea Pig (Cavy)
Home: Illinois, USA
   Introducing Freemont Jonesy ("FJ" for short). Four years ago, our veterinarian's technician asked if we would adopt her father's Guinea Pig, as her Dad was moving to an assisted-living facility where pets were not allowed. We gladly adopted FJ and her father was kind enough to give us his huge cage and accessories, too! Since then, Freemont has been enjoying a wonderful life with us! We always make sure to send FJ's holiday photos to his previous pet parent (he enjoys hearing FJ is fine and gets a kick out of Freemont's posed photos!)

     Thankfully, FJ has been very healthy without any illnesses or health issues! In his large cage, Freemont is almost completely litter-box trained since his previous pet parent gave him a bowl full of litter that he immediately started using as a litter box (this makes cleaning his large cage very convenient!)

     Freemont's favorite veggies are green pepper and parsley. For some reason, FJ prefers to eat certain foods underneath his platform in private! For example, any time you hand him a large chunk of green pepper on his platform, he will take it in his teeth, quickly run down his ramp, take it underneath the platform to devour it in the dark! Most other meals he enjoys at his bowl in the daylight! He also loves water, celery leaves, spinach, Oxbow's hay, Cavy Cuisine (pellets) for Adults, and, once a week, he thoroughly enjoys Oxbow's Critical Care (for herbivores) as a treat! Every day, FJ purrs like crazy when receiving a face/shoulder rub!

     One interesting thing about Freemont is that he has never ever whistled in his entire life. When he wants a treat, he will make noise with his toys to get our attention!

     Freemont's favorite activity in the hot summer is to sit on the platform in his cage and look outside the opening in the curtains and watch the hummingbirds and cars whiz by. He also likes to watch TV from the platform in his cage. He often moves and hides his toys in his cage (so a careful search has to be done with each cage cleaning so none of his toys are accidentally thrown away). FJ hates his nails being cut but sure enjoys a treat afterwards! He is very patient when posing for holiday portraits (and he is very photogenic!)

     Freemont has been a joy to know and love and we hope to have many more happy years together!

     To see more photos of Freemont and our other adopted/rescued GPs, check out our non-profit fun photo site:

Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day Freemont the Shorthair Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day

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