Pet of the Day
BackBack April 15, 2016

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Apricot the American Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day
Name: Apricot
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: American Guinea Pig
Home: New Jersey, USA
   My name is Apricot and here's my story: my human Mommee's friend saw me on a place called "Craigslist." My Mommee already had four other 'dopted piggees and didn't think should could take me. After about two weeks, I was still on "Craigslist" so Mommee's friend rescued me! I went to a nice home and the mom and a little girl took good care of me. When the family went on vacation, I went on a sleepover at the four guinea pigs' house! I had such a good time and I played with a girl piggee with the curliest hair I have ever seen named Candy Cane.

     At the end of the week, I asked if I could stay at the house with all of the guinea pigs and the humans said: "Yes." That's how I ended up in my furever home - Wheeek! Since I moved to my furever home, my original mom and little girl came to visit me - I told them all about my new home and how happy I am. Actually, I hardly ever stop talking!

     I live with two boy piggees and two girl piggees. Our human Dad buys all of our food: hays, lettuces, and pellets. He leaves for work very early in the morning and whee make sure to wheek at him the instant he comes downstairs. When our Mommee comes downstairs, we wheek at her too and she gives us hays - and sometimes more lettuces and piggee "cookies."

     Sometimes we play in the playpen in the kitchen. Other times, Mommee makes up a piggee bed on the couch and we relax and watch TV with the humans. One of my favorite places to sit is on the arm of Daddee's recliner. Then I can survey my "pigdom" and watch my favorite programs.

     Mommee says spring is coming soon and all of the piggees will be able to go outside and eat fresh grasses in "the wild."

     It's good to be 'dopted!

Apricot the American Guinea Pig, the Pet of the Day

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