Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Dusky the Dumbo Rat, the Pet of the Day
Name: Dusky
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Dumbo Rat
Home: Uniontown, Pennsylvania, USA
   Dusky is a one-year-old agouti masked dumbo rat. This rat, right here, is my whole world. He is my hero. I got Dusky when I was in a very, very bad place. He had been at the pet store a long time, and I finally convinced my dad to let me get him. Something had always been special about him. At the time, I felt like I had nothing to live for and nothing to look forward to. Dusky changed that. Dusky is the most amazing little creature. He is a trained service animal for my anxiety disorder (though rats can't be certified). I am now able to go places again. He helped my depression so much and showed me that rats were my passion. He gave me something to live for. He came to me at the perfect time and he saved me. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him.

     He's my best friend and my hero. He's my heart rat. I have 28 rats now, but Dusky is my heart rat. He is a free roam rat, sleeps in my bed at night, and goes everywhere with me. He even runs a blog and a Facebook page (Dusky The Masked Rattie) to dispel rat myths and help animals of all kinds everywhere. He has accomplished more in his one year on this earth than I have in my whole life! I could go on and on and on about this amazing little soul. He's more amazing than words can say and I love him with all of my being. He is a true hero and a true friend.

Dusky the Dumbo Rat, the Pet of the Day Dusky the Dumbo Rat, the Pet of the Day Dusky the Dumbo Rat, the Pet of the Day Dusky the Dumbo Rat, the Pet of the Day

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