Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Pulpet the American Crested Guinea pig, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pulpet
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: American Crested Guinea pig
Home: Reading, England, UK
   My little bundle of joy has the ability to make everyone smile. She is a very nice behaved girl who loves her cuddles and acts nicely with everyone including the 2-year-old in the house. She is a saffron and white American crested, you can see her litte "crown" on her forehead.

     Her name, Pulpet (or polpetta) means "meatball" in Italian amd in Polish, in case you were wondering! She also loves to give kisses to anyone that comes near her, and anyone who pets or feeds her. Now, we know there is a typo on her "confession," (scissors needs its c) but, after all, guinea pigs are not usually know for spelling ability.

     She is my first guinea pig and we got her from a friend as she didn't get along with the other piggies. She can be both chatty and quiet, depending on the day. She doesn't really have a favorite treat but likes apples and clover (the plant). Once or twice a year, she gets a cheerio and generally comes up to the front of her cage when you walk into her room.

Pulpet the American Crested Guinea pig, the Pet of the Day Pulpet the American Crested Guinea pig, the Pet of the Day Pulpet the American Crested Guinea pig, the Pet of the Day

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