Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Miss Bunz the Dwarf Rabbit mix, the Pet of the Day
Name: Miss Bunz
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Dwarf Rabbit mix
Home: Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
   Miss Bunz is a free range rescue bunny. She is a Creme d'argent dwarf mix. She has access to the entire house, including the stairs. She loves to binky and do the bunny 500, especially in the middle of the night! She also loves exploring the outdoors. She has her own garden, which is fenced off just for her own use. She also wears a harness when she wants to run around the yard ... her humans have a tough time keeping up with her!

     Miss Bunz is an extremely tidy bunny. She is litter trained and she only chews her own furniture. Somehow, she knows the difference between bunny furniture and human furniture!

     Miss Bunz was recently diagnosed with E. cuniculi, a protozoan parasite that can cause neurological problems. Fortunately, her treatment is going well and she is back to her normal self - playing in her forts, chewing on her toys and furniture, doing the bunny 500, and begging for treats.

     She has her own social media presence and even her own website. You can keep up with her adventures at:
     Twitter: @ms_bunzita
     Facebook: missbunz

Miss Bunz the Dwarf Rabbit mix, the Pet of the Day Miss Bunz the Dwarf Rabbit mix, the Pet of the Day
Miss Bunz the Dwarf Rabbit mix, the Pet of the Day

Talk about Miss Bunz in Pet Talk!

Yoko the Fancy Rat Kahlua the Mink Dumbo Rat Peter the Rabbit Felix the Dwarf Rabbit Davy the English Spot Rabbit Jigglypuff the Guinea Pig Puppy the Silkie Chicken Darwin the Guinea Pig
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