Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Rosie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Rosie
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lionhead Dwarf Rabbit
Home: Bellevue, Washington, USA
   Rosie is a lionhead dwarf rabbit with a mane and skirt that require almost daily brushing. She has aspirations to grow up as an Angora! Rosie loves cuddling and falling asleep on your shoulder or lap. If you stroke her face and ears well enough she will reward you with the high honor of being groomed by the top bunny herself and will give your hand some licks. The current exchange rate is twenty minutes of petting to earn ten seconds of licking.

    She is an indoor rabbit with her brother Radagast the Brown. She is the more adventurous and bold of the two, and has mastered the difficult art of walking on hardwood and tile floors. Radagast will stop at the carpet's edge and anxiously watch Rosie slowly explore the slippery world Beyond The Carpet.

    Rosie demands full attention and becomes jealous of smart phones or books. She'll slowly turn to glare at the offending device even if you are still petting her!

    In the hot summers her shaggy mane is a challenge. We place frozen water bottles around the house for her and she lays on top of them. Poor bunny!

    She is smart and has a vocabulary of at least three or five words, including 'treat', 'raisin', and 'up-up-up!'. Any of those words will get her to prairie-dog up on her hind legs, looking for a treat. She also knows the word 'stay'. Unfortunately, Rosie knows 'stay' means a pick-up is imminent and runs to hide as soon as she hears the word. Oh, well...

   A short video, Fluffy Bunny Interior Decorator.

Rosie, the Pet of the Day
Rosie, the Pet of the Day

Talk about Rosie in Pet Talk!

Bunzle the Netherland Dwarf mix Mochi the Guinea Pig Pipps the Shetland Pony mix Schnuffi the Rabbit Kruemel the Budgie Groovy Bruce the Lionhead, Lop Rabbit Old Man Bubbles the German Giant Bearded Dragon Braveheart the Fancy Mouse
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