Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Mocha the Teddybear/Syrian mix Hamster, the Pet of the Day
Name: Mocha
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Teddybear/Syrian mix Hamster
Home: Massachusetts, USA
   This is Mocha, the loved Teddybear/Syrian hamster in our house in Massachusetts. She loves only the ends of the green beans, strawberries, and blueberries. Most of all, she loves to eat and play!

     Mocha loves her food, her wheel, and partying all night, keeping her best friend Lily up by doing so. She is very photogenic, and loves the spotlight! Mocha is a very picky eater, but she eats all of the food she likes. Mocha has a bit of OCD, providing the fact that she will organize her cage. If you leave a piece of food out of her bowl, she will bring it right back into the bowl and drop it in there. She loves to chew on sticks, pencils, pens, paintbrushes, and paper. She is more happy in her house than she should be! I guess she is just the hamster equivalent of a homebody. I love her!

Mocha the Teddybear/Syrian mix Hamster, the Pet of the Day

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