Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Maverick, the Pet of the Day
Name: Maverick
Age: Seven months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Hawkhead Parrot
Home: Chicago, Illinois, USA
   Maverick is a hawkhead parrot. Some consider the personality of these birds to be a cross between an amazon and a caique. They are unique-looking birds, and full of personality.

    Maverick is no exception! He can go from being a super cuddly, friendly bird, to downright nasty wuthin a split second. But his silly antics and bubbly personality definitely outweigh the few times I have been bitten. It is never a dull moment with Maverick around!

    He enjoys shredding anything and everything, chewing on shirts, and flying over to you and landing on your shoulder or arm. He also loves to roll on his back and swing from his toys. He brings joy into my life and couldn't imagine living without him!

Maverick, the Pet of the Day
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Maverick, the Pet of the Day
Maverick, the Pet of the Day
Maverick, the Pet of the Day

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