Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Blueberry, the Pet of the Day
Name: Blueberry
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Chinchilla
Home: New Jersey, USA
   Blueberry was an owner surrender, her previous owner didnt have time for her anymore. She came into a petstore that I used to work at, and it was love at first sight! My husband had always wanted a Chinchilla, and Valentines day was approaching fast, so she came home with me and was the best gift I could have ever given him!

    She is a very curious creature, when she is not napping in her favorite snuggle tube you will usually find her begging to be let out of her cage for some play time. She loves to run around and bounce off of the walls (literally). She also enjoys begging for treats! Her favorite treats are plain Shredded Wheat and Cheerios. Blueberry would also love to have raisins every single day, but Chinchillas do not digest sugar well, so she only gets them when she is a really good chin!

    I never thought that such a little animal could have such a large personality. She is just a joy to have around, and I am lucky to have her!

Blueberry, the Pet of the Day
View more images of Blueberry!
Blueberry, the Pet of the Day
Blueberry, the Pet of the Day

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