Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Binky, the Pet of the Day
Name: Binky
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lionhead Rabbit
Home: Leeds, England
   My little face Binky has overcome all odds in life! She is very flat faced so she had to have her front teeth removed. In Jan 2014 I discovered she had started to grown back one of her front teeth (little monkey) so she had another operation to remove the tooth! She is the boss of my two buns and has a real 'attitude' on her, but she is so cute she always gets away with it ;). She has never let her troubles effect her fun and games with her "husbun" Basil and she does everything he does, well, she tries to anyway! I often find her gumming an empty toilet roll to death! She loves her veg and hay and has no trouble eating at all.

    Binky has all her vegetables cut up like spaghetti! It just disappears into her mouth very quickly! Our other bun who has nothing wrong with his teeth also prefers his veg like this!

    I brush her daily because she just can't look after that much fluff on her own. We normally have a cuddle so she relaxes (she is a bun who enjoys a snuggle) and then the brushing begins. She only gets a bit fed up right at the end and tries to bite the brush and me which is just hilarious. It only takes about 2-3 minutes if done every day, and I'm a pro at it now!

    Binky is a rescue bun and I dread to think what would have happened to her if Camp Nibble hadn't of been there for her. She is a brilliant example of why you should give animals that are a little different a chance in life.

Binky, the Pet of the Day
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Binky, the Pet of the Day
Binky, the Pet of the Day

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