Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Cookie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Cookie
Age: Seven months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Netherland Dwarf Rabbit
Home: Hagerstown, Maryland, USA
   This is my Cookie, and she is a Netherland Dwarf Bunny. I got my Cookie bunny because my first bunny passed away. I suffer from depression and I didn't really have anything to keep me happy, besides my parents. I wanted to find a pet that would help with my mood and also keep me company. I have always liked bunnies and then decided that a bunny would be the perfect pet for me. My bunny is my therapy because no matter how upset I am, cuddling with my bunny always puts me a better mood. My parents realized how important my first bunny was to me, and then they both agreed to let me get another bunny, even if it meant driving two hours away just to find a bunny that I wanted.

    She always likes being cuddled. She loves to go under and through things. She's a very curious bunny. She is also special because whenever I'm upset or in a bad mood, she'll give me bunny kisses to make me feel better. And I also taught her how to throw a tin can. And, as you can tell, she likes getting her picture taken, too!

Cookie, the Pet of the Day
Cookie, the Pet of the Day

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