Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Winnie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Winnie
Age: 24 months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Yellow Naped Amazon parrot
Home: Pennsylvania, USA
   This is Winnie, my parrot. He is my new parrot, he came to live with me on the 25th of December, as a Christmas present. He is very adorable and loves when you rub his head and neck.

    He loves to dance to music, sit with me on the computer, and preen my hair when im occupied with something other than him. When I'm not in the room he is constantly calling "MA! What? Where?" When someone knocks he tells them to come in, not necessarily the best thing if its a stranger! In the picture he is doing his head twist dance. As I type this he is here with me telling me to pick him up.

    When I graduate high school he will be coming with me, to continue our long happy life together.

Winnie, the Pet of the Day
Winnie, the Pet of the Day

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