Pet of the Day

September 13, 2011

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Sweet Pea, the Pet of the Day
Name: Sweet Pea
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: Mini Lop Rabbit
Home: Delaware, USA
   This is my mini lop rabbit, Sweet Pea. I've had her for about two months now, and I adore her. She is so sweet (as her name implies). She loves to cuddle and hop around my room. I got her at the Delaware State Fair. She was a show rabbit and had won 3rd place. The girl who owned her said that all of her rabbits were for sale, and I thought "Why not?" I've always wanted a lop rabbit, especially a white one with brown spots, and now I have one! I forgot to ask the girl how old she is, so I don't know that part, but it doesn't matter to me!

    I have to keep Sweet Pea's cage in my basement because she makes a ton of noise at night when I am supposed to be sleeping. But I bring her up to my room to run around as often as I can. I don't like leaving her cooped up in her cage, even though it's a big cage. Also, we have dogs, so it is safer for her down there when we are not home to supervise! But isn't she adorable? I love her, and wouldn't trade her for any other rabbit ever.

Sweet Pea, the Pet of the Day
Sweet Pea, the Pet of the Day

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