Pet of the Day

December 28, 2006

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Elvie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Elvie
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Umbrella Cockatoo
Home: Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA
   Fourteen years ago my husband and I lost our bird to cancer. We missed her so much we decided to get another bird. We started looking and instantly fell in love with Elvie. We adopted him thirteen years ago when he was a baby. He is so loving and has such an exuberant personality. He's the best companion we could of ever dreamed of having. Cockatoos are not for every family and every family is not for cockatoos. Luckily, ours has been a rewarding relationship. Elvie is our king cockatoo!

    I'll let Elvie tell you more about himself:

    I like my name, when I meet a stranger I am sure to say "Hello" then "Hi Elvie" - that way you know my name and what to call me. I might even greet you by saying "Hi Love". My mama has a lot of names for me, she says " Hi Elvie" "Hi Love" "Mommas Baby" "Good Boy""Pretty Bird" Mama says, she "loves the baby" that's me! I am a pretty good talker too.

    My daddy is a very special person in my life. I like to perch on his lap, he has a special touch that makes me feel happy when he gently scratches my back and under my wings. I even pick up my wing and let him keep rubbing under it, it feels so good. I love my daddy a lot. but, I am really a mommas baby, she says I am her soft fluffy cuddle baby, that makes me feel good. I like to play catch the ball with my momma. She gives me cardboard boxes to play in and chew into little pieces. That is lots of fun! I have lots of fun chewing wooden blocks too. When I chew them up I get new ones.

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