Pet of the Day

December 16, 2004

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Nikki, the Pet of the Day
Name: Nikki
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Dwarf Angora Rabbit
Home: Fort Wainwright, Alaska
   Hi! My name is Nikki! I was born in Wuerzburg, Germany. My mommy and daddy got me to keep my mommy company, while daddy is gone with the Army.

    I like to run and jump. When I am really happy I do my happy dance. I get to go outside and play in the snow. I love to play in the snow. My favorite things to do are eat and chew on things. I usually get in trouble for chewing on things. My favorite foods are chocolate, carrots and lettuce. I also like my Bunny treats, especially the fruit stick. I have a ball and a box that I play with. I make noises all the time when I play. Mommy says I snort like a baby pig! Whatever that is! I do stomp my back feet to let mommy and daddy know the have made me mad or when they are driving me crazy.

    My mommy and daddy let me have the run of the house. I even sleep in their bed. I do have a cage that I go the bathroom in and if I am ever bad mommy make me go in my cage for a little while. I usually act cute and mommy lets me out pretty quickly.

    My mommy and daddy love me lots, and I love them. I am always giving them baths and occasionally a kiss on the nose to say I love you!

    I have a great life and hope all my bunny pals do too!

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