Pet of the Day

October 24, 2002

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Waddles, the Pet of the Day
Name: Waddles
Age: Three months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Red-Lored Amazon
Home: E. Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA
   This is Waddles. We got him at the age of three weeks. Waddles is a really fun bird to have. I have allowed him to fly and boy is it a job keeping up with him. He is constantly getting himself into trouble by landing in plants and by landing on my music tape shelf knocking everything down. It's like have a one-year-old baby around who just learned to walk. He came from a breeder in Florida. I have to admit he is my favorite out of all my birds and I have many.

    Waddles is very sociable. Every night after dinner he goes into his Dada's (actually his uncle Tom's) room and waits for him to sit and watch tv. It's so cute to see him just lay across Tom's lap or chest relaxing after a tough day of flying. Waddles loves everyone. It doesn't matter if it is complete stranger. He is very lovable and loves to give kisses and snuggle. That is of course when I can keep him still... lol.

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