Pet of the Day

June 25, 2002

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Comet, the Pet of the Day
Name: Comet
Age: Eleven months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Mini Rex Rabbit
Home: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
   My pet is Comet, this is his baby picture. He gets in a lot of trouble, from chewing cords to biting people. He is a Mini Rex. In July, he will be one year old! He is special to me because he lets me pet him at night when I am waiting to be tucked in! He licks me on the chin when i sit down with him on the bed! He is a very brave bunny even though he cuddled up to me when he saw a cat. I take him for walks around the block and he meets old ladies who like to pet him, he especially likes my grandma! I can bring him to school and he will play with everyone and he met a Shih Tzu once and the Shih Tzu was more afraid then the bunny! I love my bunny!

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