Pet of the Day

October 25, 2001

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Mackua & Matisse, the Pets of the Day
Name: Mackua & Matisse
Age: Five, Six years old
Gender: Female, Male
Kind: Blue & Gold, Milligold Macaw
Home: Marin County, California, USA
   These birdies are the pride and joy of my home! I have had them since last November and think they brighten up any room. They love to talk to anyone that will listen (mostly me) They both say lots of things but each have their favorite phrases or words.

    Mackua loves to say "Ummm...delicious" and "Crackers? Can I have a cracker?," "Pretty Bird," "Gimme kiss" and "Wow!" Matisse loves to mumble things that make no sense but also loves to say: "Hi Baby!," "What are you doing?" "Wanna dance? Come on let's dance" and my personal favorite "Peek a Boo!" They like to tattle on each other when they are being noisy by saying stuff like "Stop it!" "Knock it off!", "Guys..." and "What's the problem?"

    Their favorite food are cheez-its, peanut butter cookies, grapes, apples, french fries, cheese and meat. Mackua likes to wrestle and play on her back, while Matisse is more content to roam the house or come find me for a good head scratching. Macaws are a challenge and aren't for everyone, but having them both in my life couldn't make me happier. I consider them part of my family and hope they live with me for a very long time.

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