Pet of the Day

October 21, 2001

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Spunk, the Pet of the Day
Name: Spunk
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Paint Horse
Home: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
   This is my horse Spunk (Far out N' Spunky). He is not only my horse he is also my best friend. We have many interests including horse shows gymkhanas, and trail rides. Spunk and I get along great, and together we make a wonderful team, but it didn't start out that way.

    Spunk and I have been riding partners and best friends for two years. When I first met Spunk he was four years old. He was just coming off an injury to his leg and for the past two months had be kept in inside while he was healing. He is a very high energy pony and being kept in side made it worse, because he wasn't allowed to go outside he had lots and lots of energy stored up. For about a month every time I rode him it was like a Rodeo, he would buck and spook at every thing. For the longest time I was really scared to ride him and we didn't exactly get along. Then after about a month of riding and spending time with him we started to connect and from then on we have had a inseparable bond.

    Today Spunk and I have won many ribbons in all types of events at horse shows around the province. Spunk and I are also members in a 4-H light horse club. Spunk is a very talented pony other then competing in shows we like to go for trail rides and sometimes just hang out. He knows many tricks to He can bow and drink out of a pop can and even play with a Frisbee! Just recently at the end of the summer my parents bought Spunk for me. It was the happiest day of my life. I feel that Spunk and I will a long and happy friend ship for years to come, he is truly one of a kind.

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