Pet of the Day

October 17, 2001

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Harvey, the Pet of the Day
Name: Harvey
Age: Two months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Dutch Dwarf
Home: Irvine, California, USA
   This little guy took me a long time to get! I volunteer at the Irvine Animal Care Center, and they have adorable rabbits there. Everyday, I would go over to the rabbit room, and play, pet, groom, and feed the rabbits. I thought it would be neat if I had the chance to take care of one on my own. When I got home, I looked up all the things I would possibly need to know about rabbit care. Afterwards, when I brushed up on all my rabbit knowledge, I starting bugging my parents about getting one. It took a few months, but I finally persuaded them to get Harvey down by a local pet shop! I wish I could have adopted a rabbit from the shelter, but my Mom said that they were too big, which they were, and we wouldn't have enough room, and when we got Harvey, I wasn't so sad for the rabbits at the shelter anymore, because I rescued Harvey from a shop that euthanized.

    When we got to the pet shop, I ran straight to the bunnies. They were all little two month old babies. All of them were purebreds. They had Rex's, Mini Lops, and a lot more breeds I've never seen before. But this one little runt stuck out in the group. He was the only one that wouldn't run away from my when I stuck my hand in to pet the rabbits. I immediately fell in love. At the time, we were just looking at rabbits, and weren't actually expecting to get one. My Mom tried showing me the other rabbits, but there was just something about this one that was different from your basic skittish rabbit that has seen a person for the first time. My dad secretly went to the front counter, and asked the girl if we could get the little brown and white one. She came over, lifted him out of the cage, and had to place him in a cricket box, because they ran out of pet carriers!

    We were on our way home! I was extremely overjoyed! I took him out of the box in the car, and held him the whole time. When we entered our home, My sister was on her way to work, and we had to go out to buy a cage for Harvey. I had to stay home with him because we had no place to put him. My parents came home with the perfect cage, and he took to it very well. I've only have him for a little less than a month, and I've already litter trained him!

    Harvey is a smart little guy! I have three cats at home, and when he's out of him cage, he runs up to my cats, and tries to play with them. It's so cute! We built a little bunny-proof area in our backyard for him to play in, and he loves it! In the picture, as you can see, he doesn't mind being held upside down! He actually prefers it! What makes him different from all the other bunnies, is that he doesn't mind you picking him up, and when you hold him, he occupies himself by licking your arm. If you hold him up to your face, he'll lick your nose too! He's unlike any other rabbit I've ever seen. Harvey only weighs seven ounces, and when he's propped up on his feet, he's seven inches tall. If you ever think about getting a rabbit, I hope that your experience is as grand as the experience I'm having with Harvey!

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