Pet of the Day

October 16, 2001

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Kahile Moniet, the Pet of the Day
Name: Kahile Moniet
Age: Thirteen years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Arabian Mare
Home: Virginia, USA
   Hi, just call me Kahile (ka-hi -lee). My coloring is called Grey - flea bitten. Sounds silly doesn't it? Since I never met a horse with fleas in my whole life! I recently came to live with my new family and so far I am liking them pretty well, even though they only have two legs each. I also joined my full-sister Ismaiilia. We like being able to stay together.

    We have to take care of our two young masters. They really love us and the feelings are mutual. I look forward to their coming to see me. I know at first they thought it was because that was grain time - but when they see me staring at them over the fence as they leave, they know it is because I want them to stay longer with me.

    Kahile is a really special mare, she and her sister came from a special home and we are thoroughly enjoying them now that they are with us. They have bonded well with our family and seem extremely sensitive to our boys eight and ten years old. On more than one occasion, something has startled one of them and horses tend to 'bolt' ... they are very aware of where the boys are and take great pains to avoid any contact even though they may be really frightened at something new.

    We hope to enjoy many many years with Kahile and Ismaiilia.

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