Pet of the Day

October 15, 2001

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Kelli, the Pet of the Day
Name: Kelli
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot
Home: Coffeyville, Kansas, USA
   We began our search for a Yellow Nape Amazon Parrot in January 2000. We talked to many people, in person and on the web via email, who had Yellow Nape Amazon's and African Grays for sale between the ages of five and eight years old. Some of these were already in their second and third home. Some of them were demonstrating behavioral problems. Some, more severe than others. We were afraid that those who didn't have behavior problems would soon develop them when moved to yet another new home.

    We weren't sure we would measure up when it came to handling a "problem child" parrot. So in February, we shifted gears and began our search for a hand-fed and weaned Yellow Nape Amazon baby or African Grey baby. We soon feared our search was going to be impossible when we managed to encounter breeder after breeder who would not ship their babies across country.

    The primary fear was bird-nappers. Others thought shipping was too stressful. Then miracle of miracles, a lady in Texas answered our inquiry with nothing but good news. She had a Yellow Nape pair sitting on eggs due to hatch in March. Soon we were burning up cyberspace with our emails full of questions and her emails full of patient answers. Seemed like the more questions she answered, the more questions we needed answers to. But the lady never faltered. And soon we had no more questions and decided to put a deposit on an "egg." We had decided we wanted a female and were told if a female wasn't hatched in that clutch we could have our deposit back or wait until the next hatch. Only the "Pet People" in this world can relate to our joy when we received the email containing three little words. "It's A Girl!" The next email was a request for the name we had chosen for our parrot baby. During the weeks of waiting, we had "kind-of" decided on the name "Echo." Once she became a reality, we decided that wasn't quite the right name for our little parrot.

    After days of tossing names back and forth at each other, we decided we liked the name "Kelli." When we told the Aviary lady our name choice was Kelli - she told us the parrot mothers' name is Echo and the parrot fathers' name is Kelly. When we asked about Kelli's siblings the lady told us there were none. She said that after ten long years of disappointment, one tiny parrot chick had been hatched. And that little parrot chick was our Kelli.

    All of this - along with her sweet and loving disposition - is what makes our Kelli so special.

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