Pet of the Day

August 23, 2001

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Sharlot, the Pet of the Day
Name: Sharlot
Age: Three months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Budgerigar
Home: Prescott, Arizona, USA
   Here's a cutie for you...(but don't all pet parents say that)? We named Sharlot after a pioneering historical heroine here in Prescott, and she is living up to her adventurous namesake! She is already totally tame after only two weeks at our house, feisty and cuddly. She has the prettiest chirp, and loves to go outside (in her cage!) and chat with the other birds in the neighborhood. She jumps on our backs and hands to reach her cage. As you can see, she's growing pretty turquoise "eye shadow" feathers above her cere (nose). We love our new budgie, they make wonderful pets. These are her pictures, before and after her daily shower!

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