Pet of the Day

August 13, 2001

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Pumpkin, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pumpkin
Age: Eight months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Syrian Hamster
Home: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Pumpkin is your typical Syrian hamster, bright, curious and can't stay still for more than a few seconds. She's a big girl, one of the largest hamsters I've ever owned. Pumpkin's favorite activity is to explore. She is very interested in her surroundings and is expert at climbing around my husband's back. Her second favorite activity is chewing on her cage. She wakes me up regularly at seven in the morning with her chewing. Both Pumpkin and Ruby (our other hamster) keep my husband and I entertained. Whether it is the soulful looks they give us when they want out of their cage, or the excitement they feel at getting a peanut, our hamsters are engaging little characters.

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