Pet of the Day

April 26, 2001

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Kirra, the Pet of the Day
Name: Kirra
Age: Thirteen months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Umbrella Cockatoo
Home: Paris, France
   Hi, my name is Kirra and I am an adorable Umbrella cockatoo. I was born in Paris, France (where I am currently living). When my human family first saw me at the pet store they fell in love right away and took me home with them the very same day! They feed me lots of good food like fruits, seeds, carrots, apples and whatever I don't like I just throw it all over the floor. Whenever my humans are eating I love to sneak up and steal some of their food because it tastes so good. Every morning at around 7 am, I scream until my humans come pick me up and bring me into bed with them. I have a stuffed tiger who is one of my good friends and I use him as a pillow whenever I'm cuddling in bed. I'm learning to talk right now, but I do whistle very well. Whenever I want attention I start to whistle at my humans, and I make kissing noises at them. We have a lot of fun together, and I love them very much, but not as much as they love me.

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