Pet of the Day

April 15, 2001

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Junior, the Pet of the Day
Name: Junior
Age: Eleven months old
Gender: Male
Kind: English Spot Mix
Home: Glenolden, Pennsylvania, USA
   Junior is eleven months old and the joy of my life. How many people can say they have their own Easter bunny? He loves when I come home from work and let him run around the apartment. He speeds around the rooms like a race dog!

    Carrots are his favorite, of course. He gives me kisses and loves to be petted for hours on end. He makes himself at home on the recliner like it was made especially for him. Rabbits are quiet animals, but they are very smart. On the weekends when I am home, he rattles his cage with his teeth, which is his signal "Let me out!" and of course I do. Happy Easter to all the bunny-lovers of the world!

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