Pet of the Day

April 10, 2001

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Twyla, the Pet of the Day
Name: Twyla
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Veiled Chameleon
Home: Ottawa, Illinois, USA
   This is Twyla, my Veiled Chameleon. She just turned one year old. She is black when she's mad and green when she's happy, as you can see, she was a happy lizard in this picture!!! Twyla rocks!! Twyla is definitely the independent type because they don't like people very much but she's a riot to watch. One of her favorite hobbies is climbing on the entertainment center to watch our fish. She'll just sit and watch it swim around for hours. (She thinks it's her pet!) She lives in a ficus tree so she is free to roam the living room. She's growing so fast that the branches bend now when she climbs out on them and since she isn't about to sacrifice her favorite sleeping spot for a bigger branch, she'll fall asleep hanging upside down by her tail. This didn't surprise me much since she usually falls asleep in the weirdest positions anyway. Most of the time I feed her crickets out of a bowl but sometimes I set a couple free she can hunt them down...and she always gets every one! It's funny to see a hungry chameleon dashing across the blue carpet to hunt white powdered crickets (the powder is calcium so she gets all of her nutrients). Little does she know...she's got it made!

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