Pet of the Day

April 8, 2001

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Peepers, the Pet of the Day
Name: Peepers
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Cockatiel
Home: Boca Raton, Florida, USA
   My name is Peepers. I live with two people that love me very much. I take a shower with my Dad every morning and I am constantly singing and whistling. My mom and dad say that I am the joy of their lives. I am very special because I am very friendly and everyone who meets me loves me. When mom and dad have to go away for a day they take me to my grandma's to spend the day with my cousin Tweetie. Tweetie is not as smart as I am but she is still a baby so I guess it is up to me to teach her what she needs to do. I have a beautiful cage that they call my palace. It seems like every day I get new toys. I love my millet but my second favorite food is anything that my mom and dad are eating but I only like to eat out of their mouths. Sometimes I think that the house is mine and my mom and dad live here with me but it is a nice house! My mom was sick last summer so she was home a lot and I got to spend so much time with her. At 5:00 my dad comes home. I hear him before he opens the garage door and I let my mom know so we can greet him together. I am very special to my family and they are very special to me.

    Peepers is a beautiful yellow and gray cockatiel. He is the joy of our life. We picked him out of five babies when my husband put his had into the cage and he jumped on it and sat pruning his beard for 1 hour, we knew he had to be ours! He takes a shower with his Daddy every morning. When he come home from work he whistles hello as soon as he hears the door open. He is a people bird and loves everyone but of course he has his favorites. He loved his grandma from the first day he met her. She is constantly bringing him presents. Peepers has three cages, one that goes in the car when he comes for a ride and one that is his summer home. When we are in the pool, he insists on sitting outside with us. If he is not out there he makes a lot of noise. Sometimes we put his cage on a raft and he just floats around after us singing away. His home is his castle... truly! It is big enough for four birds but he doesn't share it! He is very possessive of his bells and his doorway! As soon as you put your hand in his cage he runs back. We keep Peepers wings clipped so he doesn't hurt himself. There are times he really believes he is human and not a bird. Our lives would be empty without our Baby Peepers.

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