Pet of the Day

April 6, 2001

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Solitaire, the Pet of the Day
Name: Solitaire
Age: Two and a half years old
Gender: Female
Kind: African Pygmy Hedgehog
Home: California, USA
   My name is Soitaire and I'm a two and a half year old, female, african pygmy hedgehog. I lived with my mom (owner) and her boyfriend until this New Years Eve.

    Early that morning, her boyfriend woke me up and tied a piece of string around my waist! He seemed nervous and was interrupting my beauty sleep, but I humored him as he carefully twisted the twine out of my cage and all around the room. I am by no means a morning hedgehog and this was not amusing me... until I spotted a glittering diamond engagement ring tied to the other end of the string! He was going to propose and I was going to play an integral part in the event! I stayed as still as I could and waited for him to wake mom... He asked her to marry him... and she said yes... and now we're one big family! I just wonder how they're planning to integrate me into their wedding ceremony!

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