Pet of the Day

October 31, 2000

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Hainey, the Pet of the Day
Name: Hainey
Age: Two months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Rex
Home: Massachusetts, USA
   This is Hainey, age two months, in her favorite place. Ever since she got big enough to hoist herself onto my bed that is where she can always be found. Our morning routine consists of - my being woken up at 5 am by Hainey banging on her cage, I let her out to get some morning exercise before she goes outside to enjoy some sun. After a few laps around my room, she joins me in the bathroom, patiently waiting for me to get out of the shower (Sometimes if I am taking too long she will poke her head in). Then she sits on my feet while I brush my hair and teeth, and then she hops up on the bed and buries herself under my blankets and PJ's for a nap. Sometimes she will try and hide in the laundry and blankets so I won't put her out, so I play along and that day she will spend playing in the house. Hainey is such a wonderful bunny, loved by the entire family. I first realized she was growing when she leapt out of her bed one night and hid in my sisters closet. In the morning, my mother went in her room to get a shirt and Hainey came out of the closet to lick my mother's foot hello. She is very curious and loves people. She is the only bunny I have ever met that will jump on your lap and lick your face to say hello. She is loved very much.

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