Pet of the Day

October 11, 2000

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Pipkin, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pipkin
Age: Five months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Mini Lop
Home: Canada
   Pipkin is special because, well, he just is. He is so affectionate and loving, and really funny too! He loves to make us laugh. Every morning when I feed him, he's right there on my lap giving me bunny kisses, and nudging my hand for treats. He does huge flying leaps and twists in the air, and he is forever climbing up on the furniture so he can take a flying leap off. In fact, I named him Pipkin after the timid rabbit in Richard Adams's book, Watership Down, because the Pipkin in the book is his exact opposite. Pipkin has been like this since the day we got him. When we brought him home from the pet store, he just pushed himself up against me for protection. He knew I was destined to be his mommy.

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